Originally published in
G&W Gazette Jan 1997
The following questions are to test your acquaintance with
our school. Are you ready for the challenge?
1. Which of the following club does not have
a club room? A. Camera Club B. Interact Club C. Drama Club
2. Our school school permises was originally the site of:
A. Club Germania B. French Club C. Austrian Club
3. Which governor attened the opening ceremony of the New
Building? A. Sir Richard MacDonald B. Sir Robert Black C.
Lord David Wilson
4. Who has been serving in our school for the longest time?
A. Mr. Felix Chun B. Mr. S. R. Hsieh C. Mr. John Chan
5. The first prinicpal of our school is A. Rev. Br. Thomas
B. Rev. Br. Patrick C. Rev. Br. Nicholas Rodrigues
6. Who was the guest of honour of the open day of our school
in the 120th anniversary? A. Mr. Leung Chi Hung B. Mrs. Anson
Chan C. Sir John Swaine
7. How many vice-principals do we have in our school? A. One
B. Two C. Three
8. Who is the careers master of our school? A. Mr. K. Sharma
B. Mr. L.Tsui C. Mr. P. Ip
9. Who is the teacher adviser of the Editorial Board? A. Mr.
T. F. Chan B. Mr. C. Chan C. Mr. A. Lee
10. How many clocks are there in the new hall? A. One B. Two
C. Three
You may find Level 1 quite easy. Be careful,
here comes Level 2!
1. St. Joseph's College A. 1875 B. 1876 C. 1879
2. The OBA A. 1914 B. 1924 C. 1934
3. The School Magazine A. 1903 B. 1913 C. 1923
4. The Gazette A. 1975 B. 1981 C. 1983
5. The Student's Union A. 1970 B. 1975 C. 1981
6. The Green and White Walkathon A. 1970 B. 1971 C. 1972
7. The Swimming Gala A. 1972 B. 1975 C. 1977
8. The Green and White Ball A. 1969 B. 1979 C. 1989
9. Athletic Meet A. 1910 B. 1915 C. 1920
10. The Library A. 1875 B. 1884 C. 1902
Level 1
Level 2
There are three possibilities for obtaning this result:
1. You are not a student of our school. (forgivable)
2. You study day and night but are not involved in any school
activities. (should participate in more school activities)
3. You do not understand English. (not applicable to Josephians)
You are quite familiar with our school. Try to spend more
time in participating school activities and this will definetly
add colour to your school life.
You are an all-round Josephian. You participate in all kinds
of extra-curricular activities and are familiar with our school
history. Keep up your good work.
You have proven yourself to be a true Josephian. You acquitance
with our school is no less than any of the Editorial Borad
Members. You have amply demonstrated the Josephian spirit
and we are happy to see that.